A Kapell Discography has been published by Tim Page in his book ‘William Kapell A Documentary Life History of the American Pianist’ University of Maryland (1992). Since then, RCA has issued two major Boxsets with all his commercial recordings including alternate and incomplete takes, as well as live performances (1953 Frick Collection Recital; recordings from the 1953 Australian Tour).
Other companies (Music & Arts, Pearl, VAI Audio, Marston, Arbiter, JSP Records) have also issued CDs with unpublished performances, such as the Schumann Quintet with the Fine Arts Quartet, two performances of Prokofiev’s Concerto n°3 Op.26 or newly found WQXR Studio Broadcasts.
We owe the most recent discoveries to St-Laurent Studio (78experience) who has found the recording of the Mozart’s Concerto n° 17 K453 with Kapell and Casals thought to have been lost, as well as a NBC recording of the first movement of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto n°2, together with two piano pieces by Schumann (Träumerei Op.15 n°7) and Napolitano (El Gato), and an unpublished recording of the Khatchatourian Concerto with Koussevitzky (30 october 1943).
You will find below an updated list where the recordings of concerts and studio broadcasts are presented in chronological order.
Une discographie de Kapell a été publiée par Tim page dans son livre ‘William Kapell A Documentary Life History of the American Pianist’ University of Maryland (1992). Depuis, RCA a publié deux coffrets importants contenant tous ses enregistrements commerciaux, y compris des prises alternatives et incomplètes, ainsi que des enregistrements publics (Récital de 1953 à la Frick Collection; enregistrements lors de la Tournée de 1953 en Australie) .
D’autres labels (Music & Arts, Pearl, VAI Audio, Marston, Arbiter, JSP Records) ont également publié des CDs avec des inédits, tels que le Quintette de Schumann avec le Fine Arts Quartet, deux enregistrements de concert du Concerto n°3 Op.26 de Prokofiev, ou bien des programmes de studio de la Radio WQXR récemment découverts.
Nous devons les découvertes les plus récentes à St-Laurent Studio (78experience) qui a trouvé l’enregistrement du Concerto n°17 K453 de Mozart avec Kapell et Casals que l’on croyait perdu, ainsi qu’un enregistrement de la NBC du premier mouvement du Concerto n°2 de Rachmaninov avec deux pièces pour piano seul de Schumann (Träumerei Op.15 n°7) et Napolitano (El Gato), et un inédit du concerto de Khatchatourian avec Koussevitzky (30 octobre 1943).
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste mise à jour où les enregistrements radiophoniques de studio et de concert sont présentés par ordre chronologique.
26 April 1937 National Orchestra Association Leon BARZIN
BEETHOVEN Concerto n°3 Op. 37 (Largo-Rondo) Arbiter 108
CHOPIN Polonaise Op.53, Prelude Op.28 N°5 Pearl GEMM CD 9194
27 October 1942
LISZT Hungarian Rhapsody n°6 VAI IPA 1048
30 octobre 1943 Boston SO Serge KOUSSEVITZKY
St Laurent Studio KOUSSEVITZKY Vol. 2 YSL 0139 78
08 April 1944 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
KHATCHATOURIAN Piano Concerto Music & Arts CD-1109
18 June 1944 Carnegie Hall NYPO Fritz REINER (Summer Broadcast)
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°2 Op.18
28 October 1944 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
RACHMANINOV Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini Marston 3CDs 53021-2
28 February 1945 Carnegie Hall
CHOPIN Nocturne Op.9 N°1 Marston 3CDs 53021-2 – William Kapell Edition BMG 9CDs 09026-68442-2 – BMG CD 09026-68991-2 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
SCHUMANN Romance Op.28 n°2 – DEBUSSY Estampe n°2 « La Soirée dans Grenade » – CHOSTAKOVITCH Preludes Op.34 n°24, 10, 5 – NAPOLITANO El Gato – PALMER Toccata Ostinato Marston 3CDs 53021-2
At this concert, Kapell performed Bach’s Partita n°2 BWV826 and Brahms’ Sonata n°3 Op.5. Tim Page lists the Bach Partita n°2 BWV 826 and the second movement of the Brahms’s Sonata (12 bars missing).
20 May 1945 New York Studio 8-H NBC SO Frank BLACK
KHATCHATOURIAN Piano Concerto VAI Audio 1027
28 October 1945 Carnegie Hall NYPO Artur RODZINSKI
RACHMANINOV Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini Pearl GEMM CD 9194 – JSP Records JSP684 – St Laurent Studio KAPELL Vol.3 YSL 0116 78
01 December 1945 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
SHOSTAKOVITCH Concerto n°1 Op.35 Samuel KRAUSS, Trumpet Arbiter 108
23 June 1946 New York Studio 8-H NBC SO Vladimir GOLSCHMANN
BEETHOVEN Concerto n°2 Op.19 Pearl GEMM CD 9194
24 November 1946 Carnegie Hall NYPO Artur RODZINSKI
On November 21,22 & 24, the program was comprised of Khatchatourian’s Concerto and Tchaïkovsky’s Symphony n° 5 Op.64. For the November 24 broadcast, Kapell agreed to make cuts in the cadenzas of the Concerto, because the program length exceeded the alloted duration of the broadcast. Tim Page mentions a performance (Nov.22) of Tchaïkovsky’s Concerto n¨1, but it is a mistake.
1947 AFRS (Armed Forces Radio Service) Recording
MOZART Sonata n°17 K.570 VAI IPA 1048
1947 New York From Radio Program ‘The Music Hall of Fame’
MOZART Sonata K.330 Allegretto – MENDELSSOHN Lieder ohne Wörte Op.67 n°2 – William Kapell recounts two humorous incidents in playing recitals Marston 3CDs 53021-2
22 February 1947 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
PROKOFIEV Concerto n°3 Op.26 JSP Records JSP684
21 March 1947 Carnegie Hall
BACH Suite BWV 818 – MOZART Sonata n°10 K.330 – CHOPIN Mazurka Op.63 n°2 – BRAHMS Intermezzo Op.76 n°3 Marston 3CDs 53021-2
PALMER Toccata ostinato William Kapell Edition BMG 9CDs 09026-68442-2 – BMG CD 09026-08991-2 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
01 February 1948 Pittsburgh SO Fritz REINER
STRAUSS Burleske Marston 3CDs 53021-2
13 April 1948 Toronto SO Sir Ernest MacMILLAN
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°3 Op.30 VAI Audio 1027
17 February 1949 Carnegie Hall NYPO Leopold STOKOWSKI
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°3 Op.30
Rehearsal Broadcast on WNYC
20 February 1949 Carnegie Hall NYPO Leopold STOKOWSKI
PROKOFIEV Concerto n°3 Op.26 Music & Arts CD-990
13 November 1949 Carnegie Hall NYPO Leopold STOKOWSKI
FALLA Noches en los Jardines de España Music & Arts CD-771
23 April 1950 San Francisco SO Pierre Monteux
MOZART Concerto n°12 K414 (II Andante – III Allegretto) Music & Arts CD-1192 ’Sunday Evenings with Pierre Monteux’ (13 CDs)
20 May 1950 New York Studio 8-H NBC Strings Miltom KATIMS
BACH Concerto 4 Klaviers BWV 1065 (Rosalyn TURECK, Eugene LIST, Joseph BATTISTA) Marston 3CDs 53021-2
18 June 1950 Studio 8-H NBC SO Alfred WALLENSTEIN
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°2 Op.18 I Moderato – SCHUMANN Kinderszenen Op.15 n°7 Träumerei – NAPOLITANO El Gato St Laurent Studio KAPELL Vol.4 YSL 0311
1951 Buenos Aires
BACH Partita n°4 BWV828 (Allemande,Courante) – DEBUSSY Children’s Corner – LISZT Hungarian Rhapsody n°11 VAI IPA 1048
18 February 1951 Carnegie Hall NYPO Leonard BERNSTEIN
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°2 Op.18 Music & Arts CD-1109
17 October 1951 New London Connecticut College
BACH Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland BWV 659 Arbiter 108 – Marston 3CDs 53021-2
MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition Arbiter 108
DEBUSSY Suite Bergamasque – LISZT Hungarian Rhapsody n°11 – CHOPIN Mazurka Op.6 n°3 – FALLA Miller’s dance (Three Cornered Hat) Marston 3CDs 53021-2
21 November 1951 Chicago Northwestern University Fine Arts Quartet
SCHUMANN Quintet Op.44 Marston 3CDs 53021-2
09 June 1952 New York WQXR Studio
MOZART Sonata n°17 K.570 – GRANADOS La Maja e el Ruisenor (Goyescas n°4) – SCHUBERT Ländler D.783 n°7, 12 – CHASINS Tricky Trumpet n°6 from Piano Playtime – CHOPIN Sonata n°3 Op.38 Largo (beginning) Marston 3CDs 53021-2
15 June 1952 New York WQXR Studio
DEBUSSY Children’s Corner – LISZT Hungarian Rhapsody n°11 S.244 – Interview (8’30) Marston 3CDs 53021-2
01 March 1953 New York Frick Collection
COPLAND Piano Sonata (1941) – CHOPIN Nocturne Op.55 n°2, Mazurka Op.33 n°3,Polonaise Fantaisie Op.61 – MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition – SCHUMANN Kinderszenen Op.15 n°1 Vom fremden Länder und Menschen – SCARLATTI Sonata K.380 (L.23) William Kapell Edition BMG 9CDs 09026-68442-2 – BMG CD 09026-68997-2 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
March 1953 René Herville Interview with William Kapell
William Kapell Edition BMG 9CDs 09026-68442-2 – BMG CD 09026-68998-2 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
15 March 1953 Video Allistair COOKE
SCARLATTI Sonata K.380 (L.23) – CHOPIN Nocturne Op.55 n°2 – NAPOLITANO El Gato
21 March 1953 Boston Symphony Hall BSO Richard BURGIN
PROKOFIEV Concerto n°3 Op.26 JSP Records JSP684
12 April 1953 Carnegie Hall NYPO Dimitri MITROPOULOS
BRAHMS Concerto n°1 Op.15 Music & Arts CD-990 – C&A HD
16 June 1953 Prades Abbaye St-Michel de Cuxa Maria STADER
SCHUBERT 6 Lieder: Im Frühling D.882, La Pastorella D.528, Du bist die Ruhe D.776, Lied der Mignon D.877, Gretchen am Spinnrade D.118, Die Forelle D.550 Pearl GEMM CD 9194 – St Laurent Studio Festival de Prades Vol.2 YSL 0921 T
27 June 1953 Prades Abbaye St-Michel de Cuxa Arthur GRUMIAUX 2 works
BEETHOVEN Sonata violin – piano n°1 Op.12 n°1 – MOZART Piano Quartet n°2 K.493 (Milton THOMAS, alto Paul TORTELIER, Vlc) Casals Festivals at Prades Music & Arts 13 CDs CD-1113 – St Laurent Studio Festival de Prades Vol.9 YSL 1288 T
30 June 1953 Prades Abbaye St-Michel de Cuxa Orch. du Festival de Prades dir: Pablo CASALS
MOZART Concerto n°17 K453 Festival de Prades Vol.1 St Laurent Studio YSL 0879 T
This recording was long believed to be lost. The Concerts from Prades were broadcast and recorded by the French Radio (RTF). The sound was sent by landlines to ‘Centre Pistor’ in Paris where the tape recorders were located. For the June 30 concert, the landline was defective. For this reason, the recording of this concert was not officially listed. It has however survived complete, and we are happy to have it, warts and all! There are audible defects, mostly extraneous noises, but the performance comes out quite well.
21 July 1953 Melbourne Town Hall
BACH Suite BWV818 Kapell reDiscovered 2 CDs Sony 82876685602 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition VAI IPA 1048 (missing end filled in from Kapell’s October 17, 1951 performance) – Kapell reDiscovered 2 CDs Sony 82876685602 (missing end filled in from Kapell’s March 1, 1953 performance) – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362 (missing end filled in from Kapell’s March 1, 1953 performance).
In an interview, Kapell complained that one of his Melbourne concerts was cut one minute before the end to pass an advertisement, so this may explain the missing end of the Mussorgsky.
25 July 1953 Melbourne Town Hall
MOZART Sonata K.570 – PROKOFIEV Sonata n°7 Op.83 Kapell reDiscovered 2 CDs Sony – 82876685602 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
28 July 1953 Melbourne Town Hall
DEBUSSY Suite Bergamasque – CHOPIN Barcarolle Op.60 Nocturne Op.55 n°2 Scherzo n°1 Op.20 Kapell reDiscovered 2 CDs Sony 82876685602 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
01 October 1953 Melbourne Town Hall VICTORIAN SO Sir Bernard HEINZE
RACHMANINOV Concerto n°3 Op.30 Kapell reDiscovered 2 CDs Sony 82876685602 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
10 October 1953 Sydney Town Hall SYDNEY SO Joseph POST
PROKOFIEV Concerto n°3 Op.26
A surviving tape was sent to RCA by The Australian Broadcast Commission (ABC), but RCA was not interested and sent the tape back. A copy thereof may exist.
22 October 1953 Geelong Plaza Theatre
CHOPIN Sonata n°2 Op.35 William Kapell Edition BMG 9CDs 09026-68442-2 – BMG CD 09026-68991-2 – Kapell Complete Recordings 1944-1953 11 CDs RCA 88765431362
Other Recordings alleged to exist:
25 March 1945 RACHMANINOV Concerto n°2 Op. 18 National Orchestra Association Leon BARZIN
11 December 1945 BRAHMS Concerto n° 1 Op. 15 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
16 November 1949 TCHAIKOVSKY Concerto n°1 Op.23 Philadelphia Orch. Eugene ORMANDY
Thank You for the discography.
Un gros merci pour toutes ces informations. Superbe travail !!!
Excellent, thank you!
Christophe Pizzutti a écrit:
Votre discographie permet en effet de prendre la pleine mesure du leg discographique.
À juste titre, vous attirez l’attention sur le 17ème concerto à Prades avec Casals.
C’est une perle qui illumine toute la discographie de l’oeuvre. Le désagréable sifflement de la bande et les bruits plus ponctuels ne doivent surtout pas rebuter car la prise de son de la radio est remarquable. Casals était particulièrement magnifique à la baguette dans les concertos de Mozart et cette rencontre redécouverte par Yves Saint Laurent devrait être davantage connue et célébrée… je ne me rappelle pas trop en avoir lu mention….avant de lire vos passionnants articles !
Les interprétations de Kapell à Prades sont remarquables. La Sonate de Beethoven avec Grumiaux est étonnante. Le Quatuor avec piano K493 de Mozart est une belle réussite, mais le sommet pourrait bien être les six Lieder de Schubert avec Maria Stader pour lesquels les deux interprètes sont en état de grâce.
Thank you for sharing with us this exhaustive, meticulous research!