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Mitropoulos – V – Brahms: Concerto n°2 en si bémol majeur Op. 83 – Rudolf Serkin – NYPO

Rudolf Serkin – Dimitri Mitropoulos NYPO

Carnegie Hall – 31 octobre 1948 – Violoncelle solo: Leonard Rose

Source: Bande/Tape  38 cm/s / 15 ips

Entre le Concert du 20 février 1936 (Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58 & Mozart Concerto n°27 K.595 avec Arturo Toscanini) et le « Rudolf Serkin Golden Jubilee Program » du 20 février 1986 (Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58 avec Zubin Mehta), Rudolf Serkin a joué plus de 110 fois avec le NYPO, dont 27 Concerts sous la direction de Dimitri Mitropoulos, mais aucun disque avec ce dernier n’en est résulté. Ce rare enregistrement du Concerto n°2 de Brahms représente leur première collaboration avec le NYPO. L’interprétation est d’une rare intensité et il est donc tentant de la comparer avec la célèbre version Edwin Fischer/Wilhelm Furtwängler dont le style est bien sûr très différent.

(Enregistré sur disques 33 tours 40 cm à gravure directe, reportés ensuite sur bande magnétique).


New York Philharmonic – Concerts avec/with Rudolf Serkin & Dimitri Mitropoulos

(Carnegie Hall sauf indication contraire / Carnegie Hall unless otherwise indicated)

Oct. 28, 29 & 31, 1948 Brahms Concerto n°2 Op.83

Jan. 5, 6, 1950 Reger Concerto Op.114

Jan. 7, 8,1950 Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58

Nov. 13, 1950 Mozart Rondo K.382; Schumann Introduction & Allegro Op.134 (US Premiere), Mendelssohn Concerto n°1 Op.25; Strauss Burleske.

Sept. 1, 1951(Edinburgh Usher Hall) Schumann Concerto Op.54

Nov. 22, 23 & 25, 1951 Brahms Concerto n°1 Op.15

Jan. 28 & 29, 1954 Mozart Concerto n°17 K.453; Strauss Burleske; Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58

Febr. 17, 18 & 20, 1955 Brahms Concerto n°2 Op.83

June 20, 1955 (Lewisohn Stadium – Manhattan) Beethoven Concerto n°5 Op.73

Oct 20, 21, 1955 Mozart Concerto n°25 K.503, n°16 K.451 & n°23 K.488

Oct 23, 1955 Mozart Concerto n°16 K.451 & n°25 K.503

Febr. 28, March 1, 1957 Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58

Febr. 6, 7 & 9, 1958 Schumann Introduction & Allegro Op.134; Strauss Burleske

Febr. 8, 1958 Reger Concerto Op.114

(Une date soulignée indique un concert radiodiffusé/ an underlined date indicates a broadcast concert)



Between the Concert of February 20, 1936 (Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58 & Mozart Concerto n°27 K.595 with Arturo Toscanini) and the « Rudolf Serkin Golden Jubilee Program » of February 20, 1986 (Beethoven Concerto n°4 Op.58 with Zubin Mehta), Rudolf Serkin performed more than 110 times with the NYPO, including 27 Concerts (listed above) under the direction of Dimitri Mitropoulos, but no commercial recording with the latter ever materialized. This rare recording of Brahms’ Second Concerto n°2 (solo cellist: Leonard Rose) represents their first collaboration with the NYPO. The performance has a rare intensity, and for that matter, it is tempting to compare it with the well-known version with Edwin Fischer and Wilhelm Furtwängler, who of course play in a very different style.

(Recorded on 33rpm 16″ Transcription Discs later dubbed on magnetic tape).


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10 réponses sur « Mitropoulos – V – Brahms: Concerto n°2 en si bémol majeur Op. 83 – Rudolf Serkin – NYPO »

Serkin made four recorded of this work: three (1945, 1956, 1960) were conducted by Ormandy, and the last one (1966) by Szell.
1) 15th Mar. 1945, Philadelphia(78s)
* with Eugene Ormandy / Philadelphia Orchestra
2) 11th Mar. 1956, Philadelphia(monaural)
* with Eugene Ormandy / Philadelphia Orchestra
3) 4th Apr. 1960, Philadelphia
* with Eugene Ormandy / Philadelphia Orchestra
4) 21, 22nd Jan. 1966, Severance Hall, Cleveland
* with George Szell / Cleveland Orchestra
Since Serkin and Mitropoulos already gave very successful concerts together in Minneapolis, and both were Columbia artists, and since e.g. Serkin considered the January 28, 1954 NYPO concert as a highlight of his career, why they never made a commercial recording together remains a mystery.

This 1948 recording was not mentioned by S.A. Arfanis in his « Complete Discography of Mitropoulos », so we are lucky it has survived.

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